What is Rosette?
Exceptional Care, Intimate Setting
We are an actual single-family home in a residential neighborhood
Completely renovated for immobile or otherwise disabled seniors so they can live together and receive assistance together as a group
Licensed by the state of Pennsylvania with trained caregivers in the home 24 hours a day
Nurse on staff with Geriatrician visits
Partnered with home palliative care, home hospice care , and mobile medical services
Rosette is a luxury residence designed for 8 seniors requiring assistance with their activities of daily living. This re-envisioned model for senior care, nestled in beautiful Gladwyne PA, offers “person-centered” care inside a residential HOME.
Who is Right For Rosette?
Meeting The Unique Needs Of Our Residents
Is your parent in a community and not getting the attention they need?
Is your loved one not leaving their room, nutritionally deficient or depressed?
Has your loved ones mobility issues made it too hard to navigate around their home?
Has In-home care become too much to manage?
Are trips to the ER getting more frequent, and outings becoming laborious?
Rosette is mindfully designed so that residents feel secure in experiencing life again while, enjoying the familiar comfort of a warm family kitchen, home cooked meals, and lemonade on the porch.

Life At Rosette
Enriching, Engaging and Safe
Home cooked organic meals designed personally for each residents nutritional needs, made in a nostalgic family kitchen
Easy to manage activities and planned events in the comfort of home, not far from their own rooms
Green grass, trees full of birds outside their windows, fresh flowers blooming, and fresh vegetables grown on site
Daily exercise in a sunny home designed for each residents unique challenges
Triple the care ratio of a typical congregate community
Wristbands that monitor health vitals and daily activities that family can log in and monitor from home.

Coming Home - Rosette
What Makes Us Different
Senior Living On A Small Scale
4:1 Care Ratio
Dedicated Caregivers
Beautiful Gladwyne Home
Home Cooked Meals
“Age is an issue of mind over matter, if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter”